Are Septic Tanks Reliable?

Posted on: 3 October 2017


Waste, whether you like it or not, is a part of the human experience. You have to manage it to maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. To get rid of waste, you have an option to use either a septic tank or a sewer. Many people, especially in rural areas, use a septic system to dispose of daily waste. There are a lot of good reasons for using septic tanks instead of relying on the sewer that may or may not be provided by local governments.

Septic tanks are environmentally friendly

Septic tanks use a natural filtering process that holds solid materials before the wastewater gets filtered through the soil, making the water relatively clean and safe to reuse. This recycled water can be used to replenish local water tables, feed plantations, and wildlife.

Septic tanks have a long lifespan

If properly maintained, a septic tank has a lifespan of up to 40 years. You can pump them regularly or hire a septic service to do the pumping.

Septic tanks are affordable

Installing septic tanks only require a substantial investment at the beginning. There is very minimal maintenance required. On the other hand, a sewer system provided by the government or private corporation requires you to pay a monthly bill that can accumulate through the years. The amount you have to pay will also depend on where you live and how efficient the sewer system is in your location.

How to Keep Your Septic Tanks Safe and Reliable

Septic tanks need to be inspected at least every three years. You can do this yourself or hire a septic service to check if the tanks are in good working condition. A qualified contractor will look for leaks and determine if the tanks need to be pumped. There are also a few things that you can help take care of your septic tank.

Dispose of waste properly

The kitchen sink and toilet are not trash cans. Do not throw away or flush anything solid that can clog the drain. Avoid pouring oil or grease, coffee grounds, hygiene products, medicines and household chemicals such as gasoline, pesticide, and paints down the drain.

Use water more efficiently

Be responsible when using water. Turn off the faucet if you are not using the water. Try to disperse use of a large quantity of water throughout the week instead of in just one day. For instance, if you plan on doing a lot of laundry today, you might want to postpone taking a longer shower or cleaning your huge car until tomorrow.

Use biodegradable materials

Use only cleaning materials with citric acid, chlorine and other biodegradable products. This will not cause damage to the septic tank.

To learn more about septic tanks, check out websites like